Peer-reviewed Publications

2030 - 2020

Woollings, T., C. Li, M. Drouard, E. Dunn-Sigouin, K. A. Elmestekawy, M. Hell, B. Hoskins, C.O. Mbengue, M. Patterson, T. Spengler, 2023: The role of Rossby waves in polar weather and climate. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 4, 1, 61-80.

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2020 - 2010

Dacre, H.F., O. Martinez-Alvarado, C.O. Mbengue, 2019: Linking atmospheric rivers, precipitation and extratropical cyclone airflows. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 20, 6, 1183-1196.

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Baker, H.S., T. Woollings, C.O. Mbengue, M.R. Allen, C.H. O’Reilly, H. Shiogama, S. Sparrow, 2019: Forced summer stationary waves: the opposing effects of direct radiative forcing and sea surface warming. Climate Dynamics, 53, 7-8, 4291-4306.

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Mbengue, C.O., T. Woollings, 2019: The eddy-driven jet and storm-track responses to boundary-layer drag: insights from an idealized, dry GCM study. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 76, 4, 1055-1076, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-18-0086.1.

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Mbengue, C.O., T. Woollings, H. Dacre, K. Hodges, 2018: The roles of static stability and tropical-extratropical interactions in the summer interannual variability of the North Atlantic sector. Climate Dynamics, 52, 1299, doi:10.1007/s00382-018-4192-5.

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Baker, H.S., C.O. Mbengue, T. Woollings, 2018: Seasonal sensitivity of the Hadley cell and cross-hemispheric responses to diabatic heating in an idealized GCM. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 5, 2533-2541, doi: 10.1002/2018GL077013.

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Mbengue, C.O., and T. Schneider, 2018: Linking Hadley circulation and storm tracks in a conceptual model of the atmospheric energy balance. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 75, 3, 841–856, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-17-0098.1.

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Baker, H.S., T. Woollings, C.O. Mbengue, 2017: Eddy-driven jet sensitivity to diabatic heating in an idealized GCM. Journal of Climate, 30, 16, 6413–6431, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0864.1.

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Mbengue, C.O., and T. Schneider, 2017: Storm track shifts under climate change: toward a mechanistic understanding using baroclinic available potential energy. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 74, 1, 93-110, doi: 10.1175/JAS-D-15-0267.1.

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Woollings, T., L. Papritz, C.O. Mbengue, T. Spengler, 2016: Diabatic heating and jet stream shifts: A case study of the 2010 negative North Atlantic Oscillation winter. Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 18, 9994-10,002.

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Mbengue, C.O., and T. Schneider, 2013: Storm track shifts under climate change: what can be learned from large-scale dry dynamics. Journal of Climate, 26, 9923-9930, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-13-00404.1.

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Academic Theses

2020 - 2010

Mbengue, C.O., 2015: Storm track response to perturbations in climate. Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate Aerospace Laboratories, California Institute of Technology. [PDF] Official Version

2010 - 2000

Mbengue, C.O., 2008: The Caribbean court of justice: prospects and implications for the death penalty. M.Sc. Thesis, Centre for Criminological Research, University of Oxford.

Mbengue, C.O., 2007: West Indian integration: necessary yet unconvincing (a rational choice application). M.Sc. Thesis, Queen Elizabeth House, University of Oxford.